Sunday, October 27, 2013


This past week was Emmett's 'planned due date' (still 5 weeks early premature).  It is so crazy to think that Ryan and Kirby would just be welcoming their son had he decided to wait and come when we were expecting him. But no, not Emmett. Emmett loves to surprise us all. He gave his parents a BIG surprise the other day when he took an ENTIRE bottle BY MOUTH.
One more step closer to GOING HOME! Go Emmett Go!!!!!!!

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Feeder & Grower

I just talked to Kirby last night and she said Emmett is up to 5 pounds 5  ounces (I can't imagine what he would have weighed if he was a term baby...WOW!) Besides getting cuter every day, he continues to improve every day learning to feed and grow.

It is easy to forget how far he has come because he looks like such a healthy newborn (besides all the tubes), but Emmett's grandma reminded me today that 'our little guy truly is making a miraculous recovery'. So today let's give thanks that God has chosen to bless Ryan and Kirby with this amazing little boy, and has wrapped His arms close around this family since the day Emmett was born. Please continue to pray that Emmett can tolerate feeding on his own so that he can COME HOME SOON!!!!

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

GUest Appearance

Hi Everyone! I am sorry I have not made an appearance in a few days, but I have been busy learning to eat. I think I am doing pretty good, but I hear everyone say I still need work. I really think I will enjoy it once I get the hang of it. They tell me that is all I have to learn before I can bust this joint. Pray I am a fast learner, because I get the impression mom and dad want to go home soon.
Thanks for all the prayers. Mom and dad seem to always have a smile on their face when they may be my good looks, but I think the well wishes also have something to do with it. You guys are the best!
Oh yeah, also some great news....I am past my birth weight at a whopping 4 pounds 13 ounces! My aunt calls me a stud, whatever that means. Anyways, I promise to post with more cute pictures, videos, and any important news on my life.
That's all for now,
Emmett Andrew Corbey

Thursday, October 10, 2013

The little things

 When Emmett was born his right arm was injured during the trauma of his birth. The doctors were worried that there was severe nerve damage. As the bruises have healed, he has started to show movement and is slowly rebuilding strength in that arm. The fact that he is moving his arm around so much in this video is so symbolic for how far he has come. He continues to amaze all of us and overcome all obstacles. Emmett continues to remind all of us that it's the little things in life that we take for granted, but mean the most.
Go Emmett Go!!!
The doctors have told Ryan and Kirby that the biggest goal for Emmett
is to experience Skin to skin with his parents every day.
 My advice for Kirby was to enjoy this time.  I wish my kids were ordered to 'snuggle' with their mamma.  Before they know it, Emmett will be too big for this kangaroo hold and one on one cuddle time.

Although Ryan and Kirby
would rather have Emmett home with them, they are soaking in every moment they have with their little boy all while trying to manage things at home. They both are doing an amazing job under these circumstances. 

Continue to pray that Emmett remains infection free, and that he continues to tolerate his feeds. The next countdown is in about a week when Emmett
will be able to attempt to bottle.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Must Read thIs

Join Kirby and Ryan as they celebrate Great News tonight for their baby boy. The MRI did not show anything that was unexpected. Going into this test,  there were a lot of 'possibilities' that could have made this journey an even harder one for the Corbey family. So we relish in this amazing news.

Emmett still shows signs of a brain bleed, but it is not getting worse and it should eventually go away on its own. He will stay on his seizure medicine, but the doctors will not increase his dose. As he grows he will essentially 'outgrow' this medicine.

Right now he continues to get all of his feeds through a tube, and he is already at his goal. The biggest goal for Emmett, as his mamma describes, is to learn how to eat and breathe at the same time which can take some time.

On behalf of Ryan, Kirby, and both extended families, thank YOU for praying besides us for this special little boy! 

We continue to ask for prayers that Emmett remains infection free, seizure free, and continues to grow every day. Please also continue to pray for Emmett's parents. He has been blessed with two incredibly strong, patient, and hard working parents who love this little boy to the moon and back!

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Happy first week birthday little man!!

It's my 1 week birthday, and I'll cry if I want to!!!

The nurse insisted that the only thing on the agenda for the day was 

No big tests for today. The MRI is tomorrow afternoon, results most likely Tuesday. Please continue to pray for the doctors to see nothing but a healthy developing brain. 

And to the end the first week of life, here is the first picture I have seen of baby Emmett wide awake

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Weekend update 10-5-13

Emmett decided to start off the weekend with a bang!!

 The ultrasound taken yesterday showed improvement in his brain bleed from birth. The doctors do not think this is what caused the seizures, and I am happy to announce the medicine he is being given has stopped the seizures. The doctors told Ryan and Kirby we may never know the cause, and although frustrating, this outcome is better than a chronic condition. 
MRI is still planned for Monday, so please please 
please pray for good results....I know baby E's mom and dad are pretty anxious for this test.

Emmett is still breathing room air (no increased 02 needs) with some added flow for comfort. Emmett is also receiving caffeine through an IV (I know some of us wish we could have this). It helps stimulate his brain to help remind him to take regular breaths, a common difficulty for premies. Kirby says he is doing really well since this medication was started. 

He also continues to tolerate his feeds through a tube. The picture below makes me smile because although he is still such a peanut, he is already losing some of his 'premie' look. This boy will be a chunk in no time.....maybe this what he will inherit from his dad (Ryan was a very plump babe)

A lot of people have asked if they can send anything to Ryan and Kirby. If anyone is interested in sending anything for baby Emmett and the new parents please email me and I will give you their address.
know they are registered at Target. Since they did not expect Emmett to arrive this early their needs may have changed, so I know Visa gift cards or a gift card Target would be a great gift ideas!

As always, thank you for all the thoughts and prayers for Ryan, Kirby, and baby Emmett.

Thursday, October 3, 2013


Emmett gets to rest in his mommy's arms FINALLY after two full days of tests. The seizures have stopped, thank GOD. The EEG nodes were taken off today, and Emmett continues to breathe on his own with 02 for comfort. 

These proud parents FINALLY got to be discharged from the maternity wing ( continue to pray for Kirby's recovery

They now get to spend their time cuddling this sweet, handsome boy......FINALLY

" be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer" Romans 12:12

MRI will be Monday

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Prayers and positive news

I just talked with Kirby , and she sounded so happy to report that Emmett made a great step in the right direction and enjoyed a big FIRST today. He still has a tube in place to help the nurses suction out any secretions, but he is breathing completely on his own!!! He has tolerated this transition pretty well, but did require a little medicine to help calm him down.....(he may be tiny, but he seems pretty feisty....if he doesn't like what is being done, he will let you know).

They also were able to start feeds today for the first time, again through a tube. So far he has tolerated it. This is GREAT news.

Emmett is currently on medicine to help control his seizures, and so far it is working. The neonatologist and neurologist are working together to determine what tests need to be done to determine the cause of these seizures. They seem to have ruled out infection based on blood work. The big test (a spinal tap to test for meningitis) is on hold until Emmett's body heals from the trauma he went through during birth. The fact that the doctors are not in a rush to do this test is really good news.

So the next big test is an MRI. All the doctors are in agreement that Emmett is well enough to go through with the test. The MRI will be able to confirm whether any damage is currently present with Emmett's brain. Kirby said it perfectly, ' I have faith that the MRI will be normal, and even if something does look abnormal Emmett is still growing and developing every day so we will remain hopeful".

The biggest prayer needs at this time are for the doctors and nurses caring for Emmett, that they will continue to work diligently and communicate efficiently with each other to ensure the best care

possible for little Emmett. It sounds like Kirby and Ryan are beyond pleased with his care thus far.

We also need to pray for this MRI, which will either take place this Friday or Monday.
And finally let's pray for Ryan and Kirby that they will continue to have faith and taken one day at a time. Kirby will hopefully be discharged tomorrow, so continue to pray for her recovery as well. Emmett definitely inherited her strength! (Don't worry Ry, we know he picked up a thing or two from his daddy too) 

Meet Emmett

Emmett Andrew Corbey was born September 29th to Ryan and Kirby Corbey. We were expecting to meet Emmett early, but not this early. He surprised his mom and dad by arriving 8weeks premature weighing an astounding 4 pounds 8 ounces.

Emmett and Kirby's lives could have been very easily taken from us had Kirby not gotten to the hospital when she had. Kirby was being watched very closely because of her past medical history and the way that they lost Connor (Emmett's brother) two years ago.  So this time there was no messing around. The pain was caused by the same issue as before, a ruptured uterus. Only by the grace of God was Emmett's placenta blocking the hole at the rupture site preventing any blood loss from Kirby, and allowing the doctors time to get Emmett out safely.

From the moment he was born, he established his own rules. He continues to amaze those who meet him.

Please join me in welcoming Emmett to this world!!!

First few days

Emmett has had a busy first few days of life. His days are filled with visits with family and meeting lots of doctors involved in his care.   When Emmett was born, he was able to maintain his oxygen levels on his own, but life outside the womb is very tiresome....Emmett has a lot of fight in him, but the doctors wanted to conserve most of his energy so he now has a tube temporarily placed to help him breath. He is still breathing mostly on his own (without the help of a machine). 

Emmett's biggest challenge came when they tried to take this tube out yesterday he experienced a small seizure. The doctors are working hard to decide the best coarse for Emmett. Seizures in a premature baby can be caused from a host of different sources. The one thing we are all learning from Mr. Emmett is that things can change very quickly, so this blog will act as a way to keep everyone up to date with the latest information. The biggest indicator for how Emmett will do is time. 

Ryan and Kirby want everyone to know how much they appreciate all the messages and support. Little Emmett already has both of them wrapped around his fingers, and he insists on keeping all of their attention right now!. Today will bring some more tests and hopefully some answers as to what is causing seizures. 

Everyone who loves Ryan and Kirby naturally want to help. I will also use this blog as a way to let everyone know the best way to help. Right now there are still so many unknowns about baby Emmett.  We believe in the power of prayer, so join me in praying for comfort for Emmett's parents and continual healing for baby Emmett. Feel to post comments offering support to Ryan and Kirby, and check back later for updates.